Age of Autonomous Weapons Systems
About this GDI Review
We are at the dawn of the Age of Autonomous Systems. This revolution is driven by the fast-paced development of cutting-edge technologies in the civilian sector, with advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data acting as disrupting forces in contemporary and future warfare.
Understanding the consequences of this evolution is important not only for armed forces, but also for the companies leading technological progress in fields such as machine learning, facial recognition, and robotics. We at GDI believe that calling attention and awareness to this is crucial.
Previous discussions on Autonomous Systems have primarily focused on either the moral, ethical, and legal obligations of this new type of warfare or specific technical details, rather than approaching it from a systems-based perspective as done here. This resulting report is designed to better inform technology companies and start-ups in the IT, AI, and robotics sectors of foreseeable challenges associated with this field.