Victoria Häberle

Research Analyst

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  • Part of GDI’s Public Policy research clusters

  • Master of Law (LLM) Candidate, Cambridge


Victoria Häberle holds a LL.B. in European Law from Maastricht University and is reading the LL.M. at the University of Cambridge, specialising in Intellectual Property and Data Privacy Law. She is currently conducting research focused on global FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) litigation and its compatibility with TRIPS (The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights). During her time at Maastricht University, she participated in the Nuremberg Moot Court 2018, which she won together with her team. She previously worked as an intern in the Prosecution Section at the International Criminal Court (during which she worked on the Al-Hassan case) and was a Schuman Trainee at the European Parliament. Victoria is also the assistant-editor for the Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, and a current Research Analyst at GDI

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Shahvez Ul-Haq


Vincent Jeanselme