GDI Review 03 Launch: Digital Oceans: Unlocking Ocean Data
We’re delighted to share the publication of our new GDI Review 03: Digital Oceans: Unlocking Ocean Data!
In this review, members of the GDI team dove deep to identify the crucial gaps in ocean data preventing the accurate assessment and understanding of marine ecosystems and human impacts on them. By analyzing key stakeholders and selected case studies, this study identifies the importance of mobilizing inter-sectoral collaboration in generating, unlocking, and providing open access to ocean data — enabling us to better understand the essential role that oceans play not only in our daily lives, but in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises our planet faces.

GDI Review 02 Launch: Age of Autonomous Weapons Systems
We’re delighted to share the publication of our new GDI Review 02: Age of Autonomous Weapons Systems!
In this review, members of the GDI team identified and analyzed how the fast-paced development of civilian sector advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are acting as disrupting forces in contemporary and future warfare, particularly around Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS).

Upcoming GDI Reviews: Late 2021
We’re thrilled to share that our GDI team has been working hard this past year on several upcoming GDI Reviews which will be published during late summer and fall 2021. These reviews tackle important questions ranging from analyzing the use of cutting-edge automated weapons system (AWS) technologies in war to understanding the roots of crucial gaps in oceanic data, as well as producing the first major report on a core direction of the future of work: that of the passion economy.

GDI Review 01 Launch: Digital Finance in Africa
We’re delighted to share the publication of our new GDI Review 01: Digital Finance in Africa! In this review, members of the GDI team took a comprehensive approach to analyzing the current state of digital finance across Africa’s 54 countries. Their findings are synthesized into clear recommendations for leaders in government, innovators, and investors on how to responsibly steward the future of digital financial services across Africa. READ MORE