Good Data Assembly: “The future of genomic data sharing”
Building on the success of our first Good Data Assembly (theme: microtargeting), we are excited to share that our second Good Data Assembly event will be themed around the future of genomic data sharing.
This event will be taking place virtually on 20 October 2022 at 6:30pm GMT, and will feature experts Dr. Heidi Rehm and Dr. Richard Milne.

Good Data Assembly: “The future of personalised advertisement”
We’re excited to share that our first Good Data Assembly event will be themed around the future of personalised advertising, also known as “microtargeting.”
Participants in this Good Data Assembly will have the chance to hear from and dialogue with two experts within this area, including: Sam Gilbert, author of an FT Business Book of the Month, Good Data: An Optimist’s Guide to our Digital Future (2021), and Dr. Johann Laux, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute.
This event will be taking place virtually on 09 February 2022 at 6:30pm GMT.

Introducing: the Good Data Assembly
We are delighted to share the launch of an important joint initiative that has been cooking behind the scenes for several months now: the Good Data Assembly!
Select GDI members have been working together with the Global Shapers’ Cambridge Hub to develop a virtual iteration of a classic Citizens’ Assembly. This new format is being tested as a way to broaden access, both geographically and among generations, to debates and knowledge around important issues within this arena.
Two GDA events have been scheduled for this upcoming year: in February and October 2022.